/Ethnoplants Transfer Printing- a memorandum for distant clansmen

/Ethnoplants Transfer Printing- a memorandum for distant clansmen




Artist/ Chang En-Man

​​Born in Taitung, grew up, lived and worked in Taipei. En-Man’s works between video, sculpture, and programmatic creation. She is half-blooded from an indigenous mother and has long been concerned about how Taiwan’s Indigenous people coordinate and deal with their status among culture, society, and basic survival in the irreversible modernization process. On this basis, to explore the missing history and contour the outline of the world, hoping to discover the power of transformation by art.



Ethnoplants Transfer Printing- a memorandum for distant clansmen




追朔「備忘錄」拉丁語字源 memoro 所形成的動名詞,意為「應該被記住的」。阿美族語 mi 為「拿取」的驅動詞,也是生命與生存的原始驅動,不論是在原鄉採集與傳統文化慣習有關的實用植物,或是都市原住民收集廢板材在城市邊陲建構生存空間,將兩者生活經驗做一造型結合;拓印植物就像遠古壁畫或化石留存,廢板材經歷使用與歲月痕跡呈現生命力,將此集合物置於自然林間讓陽光灑落呈現光點斑塊,藉此進行一個記憶的行為。備忘錄 (MOU) 也是各方採取行動的協議,透過補遺兩端的動作去演示生態豐富島嶼的當代史。



Ethnoplants Transfer Printing- a memorandum for distant clansmen

Dimension (L x W x H):3.5M x 1.8M x 0.6M

Medium:wood、gypsum board

Tracing back to the Latin etymology of “memo”, it is a gerund formed from memoro, which means “that which should be remembered”. The Pangcah/ Amis language  “mi”  is the driving word for “taking” or “collecting”,  it is also the original driving force for life and survival. Whether collecting useful plants related to traditional cultural habits in the hometown, or urban indigenous collecting waste boards to build living spaces on the city edge, combining the two life experiences into one shape; rubbing plants is like ancient murals or fossils, and waste boards show vitality after use and traces of time. Place this work in the natural forest to let the sunlight shine through, showing light spots and patches, and perform an act of remembering. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is also an agreement for these two parties to take action, demonstrating the contemporary history of the ecologically rich island.